Sunday, August 02, 2009

Phase of Ganeshjis

"Vakratunda Mahakaya 
Surya koti Samaprabha
Nirvighnam Kurume 
Deva Sarva karyeshu sarvada"

This is a prayer to the leader of the "ganas" (the demi-gods The purport being:"Oh Lord with twisted tusk and great body and the one who shines with the brilliance of a crore of suns. Please remove the obstacles in my path always and in all times".

Ram had a dream about elephants a month before our son was born and he knew then that we would name our baby - Vignesh. And he was born soon after Ganesh Chaturthi :)

Lord Ganesha, who is known by many names in Hindu mythology is also called Vignesh - the remover of Obstacles.

While I dont want to go into the etymology or the symbolism or festivals related to Lord Ganesha  in this blog, you can drill down further into it at elephant-headed God has let many creative mind explore Him and His magnificence through sculptures, songs, chants and paintings. While I have a small collection of his miniature sculptures, I have attempted to also inquire into myself by painting Him in bright acrylics. I dont possess any of these or the other Ganeshas anymore which I have given away to friends. But someday I want to attempt them all again, this time together in one big canvass, as in several small paintings in one canvass. Someday... if Ganesha will remove all obstacles in the way ;)

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