Thursday, August 06, 2020

Experiments in blues - Macrocosm

Macrocosm.. a concept that is present in many philosophies.. both ancient and modern to a vision of the whole that is made of the parts. Swami Vivekananda says: "The whole of the universe is built upon the same plan as a part of it. So, just as I have a mind there is a cosmic mind. As in the individual, so in the universal. There is the universal gross body; behind that there is a universal fine body; behind that a universal mind; behind that universal intelligence. And all this is in nature, the manifestation of nature, not outside of it".

I decided to build on this concept and paint the gross manifestations of this macrocosm that we see around us. It had to be in represents the infinite!

The values in the colors help to define the layers and thus the effect of the large numbers. Watercolors are my current favorite and I started with a painting of trees. Then mountains with Acrylics. Followed by a sea in sharpies. And the last one are the clouds with oils.