Friday, April 20, 2012

Gita Upadesh

When Uma and Srini asked me to complete this painting on a 4ft by 3ft wooden plank depicting the Gita Upadesh, it was a conflict inside of me - it was a seemingly daunting project but... The Painting was the brainchild of Srini's cousin who had painted the wheels of the chariot and penciled in the details of the chariot, Arjuna and the Lord. She had used some kind of 3d paints to border the heavy lines and the effect was stunning. It took me some hunting in Michaels to finally discover the fabric dimensional paints that worked perfect. I used acrylics for filling in colors and paint-pens for the minute details of the avatars on the chariot and ofcourse Hanumanji on the flag. I changed Krishna from what the original was penciled in to my Krishna and fell in love with His smile. The horses and the Sun was an after-thought and hope it fits it without overcrowding.

This painting was a humbling journey... the original artist had a beautiful vision that was hopefully carried forward, Uma and Srini trusted me to complete it, the painting will soon go where it belongs, I was just an instrument in Krishna's hands....
"You have a right to perform your prescribed action, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your action. Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities and never be attached to not doing your duty" Ch. 2, 47 Bhagavad Gita


lalitha said...

Very, very nice, Pushpa. you have done a good job. see, how Krishna has blessed you with a gift of completing the unfinished work ! !

NSA said...

Now a trip to Uma's place can only justify this lovely piece! Awesome!

Subu said...

The painting is very beautiful but the description has just elevated it to a different level.