Oil Painting came as a suggestion or hint from a friend - she felt I needed to not only learn a new medium which will give me more satisfaction than the usual acrylics I dabble with but it would teach me patience. Well, I took her advice and after spending few dollars on the oil tubes, the turp, the palette, the easel (heheh!!) the canvass (wait I am not done yet!) the brushes, I started my first painting. Yes, I had to pick the tough one! Remember the lady with her wet back that Dad had painted (blogged in earlier posts), she was my first subject. Very soon, I learnt this was not an overnight job. I had to wait for the paint to dry!! What?? For someone like me who is like an instant gratification person finishing super-quick projects - sigh and double sigh! And after 2 months with a vacation in between, I am willing to call this painting "done"! I have a new-found respect to those who paint with oils!

I did try other smaller paintings like a fall scene. I had observed someone paint with oil paint and facial tissues are dabbed to give a bumpy popcorn ceiling effect (i am sure there is a technical name!)
Then the 2 storks silhoutted against the moon was more finger painting than with brush ;)
I am liking this medium more and more as I experiment more. This "Monk" is a gift to Ram because he is the Monk Wisdom Unlimited
http://monkwisdomunlimited.blogspot.com/. I have an order from him to paint more Monks!! Well that is encouraging :) Is it because he too feels that oil painting teaches me patience???