jhUlat rAdhA sanga Giridhar jhulat rAdha sanga |
rAdhA is swinging with krishNA during the festival of hOli with carefree abandon!
When I heard Natana sing this bhajan for the first time, my mind was absorbed in this image of Radha swinging by herself! Krishna is implied as He is always with her, in her! So a sketch evolved of her swinging on His flute! As always Rumi fit in so well!
"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They are in each other all along" - Rumi
abIr gulA kI dhUm macchAyI bhar pickArI rang giridhar
lAl bhayI brndAvan jamunA kE sar cUvat rang giridhar
Filling her syringe with red colored water, she makes a lot of joyous noise and squirts water
everywhere esp. on krishNA and the gOpis play so much with the colored water that yamUnA turns red!!
My imagination soared as He played holi with Radha through the rain! she is drenched in blue (Krishna's color!) and it turns red as it hits the ground :)
"All my feelings have the color you desire to paint" - Rumi
nAcat tAl adhAr surabar dhimi dhimi bhAje mrdang Giridhar |
The cymbals dance as they keep rhythm while melodious music issue from tender lips and the mrdangs play the bOls - dhimi dhimi as krishNA continue to play!
I wanted the thunder and lightening to provide the rhythm for Radha as I took her in a swirl with my pencils and erased the lightening.
"In the rhythm of music, a secret is hidden" - Rumi
mIrA kE prabhu giridhar nAgar caraNa kamal kUdAnga giridhar |
Concluding verse: mIrA is amazed at the magnificence of her beloved Giridhar's compassion, the refuge at His lotus like feet!
The sketch of the mountains with His feet as a reflection was an earlier sketch in one of my pensive moments! I just added Radha to it!
"A mountain keeps an echo deep inside. Thats how I hold your voice" - Rumi